9 thoughts on “Some (old) maps… http://thief.wikia.com/wiki/In-game_Maps”

  1. Dear Vincent – while it is wonderful and sooth that you shared the link to these maps, it is also true, that like Andrew & I (Hi, Andrew!) Mr. Harper is also one of the world’s biggest THIEF: THE DARK PROJECT fans. πŸ™‚ [Or Thief Series, to be more accurate.] Just gotta mention the Thief Love! {Honestly, THIEF is indeed an influence on my own current RPG tabletop project, though it is regrettably still not that near to completion.}

  2. I played through TDP and TTMA before starting the reboot (I couldn’t get Thief 3 to run on my PC). I’ve been pretty pleased with blades so far

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