Hiyas fellow scoundrels and scoundrelettes!

Hiyas fellow scoundrels and scoundrelettes!

Hiyas fellow scoundrels and scoundrelettes!

I appologise in advanced if this has already been answered but my search-fu is quite lackin!

I was wondering what kind of “soundrack” audio ambiance you play (if any) during your BITD sessions…

I currently favor Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, The Tigerlilies and The Sisters of Mercy with other OSTs intermixed.


One thought on “Hiyas fellow scoundrels and scoundrelettes!”

  1. Thoose are all good options.

    Also Id sugguest:

    mother mother

    A tribe called red

    The white stripes

    arctic monkeys

    As posible additions.

    Or if you search for “british gangster” on spotify, if usually brings up pretty good bitd playlists

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