


Taking a bit of inspiration from the excellent game Night Witches, the BBC radio plays Tommies and Home Front, and other WWI media, I have been bouncing around an idea of a hack which focuses on the action of (probably British) infantry on the Western Front in the First World War.

This would be called Tommies and sounds like it could be a gripping, if rather gritty, game. Yes, it would be bleak, but it feels like an incredible way to explore the tragedy of early 20th Century warfare, and to honour the memories of the fallen.

Taking additional inspiration from certain Iron Maiden songs, I was thinking of bringing a little occult inspiration into the game, too. Nothing that would break the immersion of the setting, but phwoar, what could be better for a ghost-filled world than a theatre of war where pretty much everybody is terrified for their lives the entire time.

Once again, I have to point out that I’m not exactly enrichened with time to run games, except by PbP. Would anybody be interested in trying something out? It would be a relatively simple hack, no major changes to the system – just playbooks, a Western Front setting, and some minor tweaks to the faction game.

5 thoughts on “Tommies”

  1. Hey. I can’t get in to Tavern Keeper at the moment. The screen is just loading up white for every Tavern Keeper page I have saved. Is this just a problem I’m having or is the system down?

  2. It’s happening to me too. It’s a ‘HTTP 503’ error, which means the server is down or that they’ve exceeded their request quota. It’s possible that they’re implementing TK 2.0.

  3. Marcus Shepherd Fingers crossed, though a little heads up would have been nice if it is the latter. I guess I’ll just keep checking back until it’s up.

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