So, here’s a funny story:

So, here’s a funny story:

So, here’s a funny story:

On the very first engagement roll my group had they rolled a crit. It was hilarious because it’s the one thing I hadn’t expected to happen – had to bullshit up another obstacle so that the engagement wasn’t just the end of it (also my first time GMing the game). After about a month we had to take a break due to scheduling changes, though.

We started up again just this past Tuesday – some of the old group couldn’t make it back, but we still had enough originals to where I felt it was fair to continue the old campaign instead of starting a new one (to let the new players have their own say in it). So we go over the basic rules, what happened in the 1 year between the seasons, then they go to make their first engagement roll of Season 2….

It was another crit.

And by the new guy no less – who made a grand total of 2 action rolls (including the engagement) in the whole of the session, and had BOTH be crits. It was surreal, and I fear that if that pattern continues I’ll never be able to challenge them ever again.