Crew contacts: do you get all listed and one is favored or simply pick one? I seem to remember it being the former.

Crew contacts: do you get all listed and one is favored or simply pick one? I seem to remember it being the former.

Crew contacts: do you get all listed and one is favored or simply pick one? I seem to remember it being the former.

12 thoughts on “Crew contacts: do you get all listed and one is favored or simply pick one? I seem to remember it being the former.”

  1. Actually double checking the book it’s strange, for player characters it specifically states “Each playbook has a list of NPCs that your character knows” where as the crew section just says “Take a look at your list of potential contacts on the crew sheet.” the fact that it isn’t spelled out specifically that the crew knows everyone like it is for the playbooks is what leads me to think it is meant to be one but it doesnt explicitly say it anywhere.

  2. I can see it working either way, it was more of a “Hey, was there an official word on this? I forget” than anything else. Personally, I like having more options for interaction.

  3. I also feel like fictionally it makes sense in general that as a crew you probably don’t all mutually know 5 people together unless you built your characters to be intertwined.

  4. Ben Liepis to be fair I’m not even sure I’m right about it, it’s just the way I lean with my interpretation. I think there’s plenty of flex room to play it both ways or more. A lot of games I used to play only did favorite for crew and favorite/rival for players at times and the game still holds up. You can also still just gather info or acquire an asset to find a person of a particular talent or skill. Or like John Perich​ said, if the players want more npcs to start with it definitely provides then with a richer starting position fictionally.

  5. I only ask because I’m getting to actually play and the group only has one crew contact. It sparked me thinking about how we’ve been doing it, that’s all. It’s not a rules lawyering thing, more curiosity.

    I do need to mention (again) that I’m consistently impressed at the politeness, knowledge and creativity of this community.

  6. Given the general philosophy behind Blades and what John has said about similar questions in the past, this definitely seems like a “go with the interpretation that makes sense to your group” kind of situation.

  7. We ran into this last night. I distinctly recalled “crew knows all of them” from one of five earlier versions I ran but someone told me the current (final) rules suggested the crew has just the one. I didn’t look it up or question it. Curious. 🙂

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