Judd Karlman GMed an excellent session for us on Twitch via Roll20 (or Roll20 via Twitch?).

Judd Karlman GMed an excellent session for us on Twitch via Roll20 (or Roll20 via Twitch?).

Judd Karlman GMed an excellent session for us on Twitch via Roll20 (or Roll20 via Twitch?). I want to write more about this later, but check out the video. (Note: It’s not really a video until the end; it’s a static shot of our faces and audio of us.)

I will say one thing: I’ve always been down on online play, but this session both taught me why I feel that way, and showed me how I can enjoy it. If I have an established roleplaying rapport with people, the problems I have online fade away. I introduced both of these guys to RPGs back in the mid-80s, and have played uncountable sessions with both of them. So it worked.

And made for a great birthday present.


2 thoughts on “Judd Karlman GMed an excellent session for us on Twitch via Roll20 (or Roll20 via Twitch?).”

  1. I meant to open play with singing happy birthday to you but in the stress of technical issues I totally forgot. I’m sorry!

    I hope you had a happy birthday.

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