Behold the Fog Hound Slaughter with the first 2 people I ever gamed with when I was 12, Jason Bowell and Robert Bohl.

Behold the Fog Hound Slaughter with the first 2 people I ever gamed with when I was 12, Jason Bowell and Robert Bohl.

Behold the Fog Hound Slaughter with the first 2 people I ever gamed with when I was 12, Jason Bowell and Robert Bohl. 30 years later and we’re still doing it.

Sean Nittner and Pete Cornell were missed.

4 thoughts on “Behold the Fog Hound Slaughter with the first 2 people I ever gamed with when I was 12, Jason Bowell and Robert Bohl.”

  1. NOTE: I messed up the way the crew increases it’s tier. They have to pay coin to go up to tier 1. Noted! Lots of moving parts all spinning to put pressure on them

  2. Those poor Fog Hounds. Tier 1 with a boat to rob or sink – they really popped out at me as good early subject for a job while my players figure out how to get to Tier 1

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