I finally got to run my 1st session of a Blades in the Dark game this weekend.

I finally got to run my 1st session of a Blades in the Dark game this weekend.

I finally got to run my 1st session of a Blades in the Dark game this weekend.

Some cool friends that I have not RP’d with in awhile were itching to play something so I said, “I’m up for running this cool new Blades game” and they were down.

So between character/crew creation and game session….we spent like 10 hrs playing….and not a single complaint from anyone lol.

We’re not in the same location so we used Roll20. I didn’t have anything planned because I wanted to wait until the Characters/Crew was created to get a feel for the system. I had this idea in my head on how to start a Blades game with the new crew dumping a wrapped body into the harbor so I started with that.

I then asked the first player “Who is the body and why are they dead?” and then then another player “How did he die and where was it?” to get the ball rolling. They decided to have it from a rival gang that they were on bad terms with who had found out something and was trying to blackmail them.

I figured I would have to provide the Crew with some missions to pick from but instead they went all in on the fiction and made their own first mission, which was spreading rumors and then attacking a small Dog Fighting/Gambling Hall of a rival gang. The fighting was intense and chaos was everywhere. The crew made it out alive but barley.

We talked afterwards about how refreshing the system felt and how there was no way what we did in the session would have been completed in the same time frame if it had been a Pathfinder/D&D game.

So I give you the new Bravos crew working in the Docks area who call themselves “The Bad Moons”.

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