It all crumbles to ruin

It all crumbles to ruin

It all crumbles to ruin

A blow for the Bloodletters even as they blast the Crows Tower from existence. All their work lost in a coup by the unctuous Bazso Baz. But have no fear, this just means another score to plan!

GM: John Harper

Players: Adam Koebel, Stras Acimovic, and me!

9 thoughts on “It all crumbles to ruin”

  1. 6 Heat for wild, devastating exposure

    + 1 for hostile turf

    + 1 for high profile target…THE CROW’S TOWER, a building everyone in Doskvol knows

    + 2 for killing involved

    10 HEAT for this one, yeah?

  2. I’m still way behind on these, but getting more gumption to try to catch up as I make ready to start up yet another Blades campaign in a few days.

    I can imagine.

  3. Judd Karlman, I’m not even sure that’s the half of it. At the start of the session John said he’d keep the heat from our last score (the train robbery) in escrow until someone decides what to do about the missing bombs. So, if that one gets pinned on us… well, what happens at Wanted level 4?

  4. I imagine a very reasonable old Bluecoat who they send in to talk to a gang when such a thing happens. Old Jeb comes in hat in hand to talk about arranging a hand-off, sending one of the gang to prison. Jeb treats the conversation like it is something important; he’s amiable, not talking about the SWAT troops the Bluecoats are itching to send in as a show of power should he fail to convince you.

    “Ironhook ain’t all that bad. My brothers have been guards there for years. If your behavior is decent, you can even get visitors. I’m sure you all have a whole lot to talk about. I’ll wait outside for an hour, smoke my pipe and enjoy the air a bit. If at the end of that hour no one comes out to join me back to the Watch Tower, I’ll go tell my colleagues the sad news and we’ll move forward from there.”

    Jeb gets a sack of silver if he delivers someone peacefully. The betting pool back in the Tower is mostly betting on D’Arcy to be the one to turn themselves in.

  5. For second I thought this was a new episode, but I have already seen this. It was excellent, great work all around. That 13 die roll was brutal, but that’s why we play.

    So when is the next episode?

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