Hey guys, I had a question about turf, hunting grounds and map marking.

Hey guys, I had a question about turf, hunting grounds and map marking.

Hey guys, I had a question about turf, hunting grounds and map marking. So, when creating a crew, how much of the map do you GMs colour in to represent starting turf/hunting grounds, and, when do you expand the size of that colour for the crew. Just when they purchase more turf? Or more abstract than that throughout the game?

I just have no idea how to handle hunting grounds and turf. Thanks guys.

8 thoughts on “Hey guys, I had a question about turf, hunting grounds and map marking.”

  1. “Color in the map” he says…(races off to find some crayons).

    But seriously, go with what works at your table and for your players. It is possible, nay, probable that territories overlap, especially in the rambling multistage parts of town. And given that much of what our Dusk is built upon is…er…Doskvol, many turf expansions may be vertical.

  2. Don’t over think it.

    During crew creation, create the hunting grounds and mark it on the map.

    When the crew gets a Claim, mark it on the map (you’ll know where it is because you’ll tell them when they target it).

    When the players say, “Hey, our hunting grounds should be bigger,” ask them how they go about doing that, then expand it if they do it.

  3. We drift it a bit: for the hunting grounds, the crew picks a district (eg Crow’s Foot) and a type of crime (eg Protection Racket). Ward bosses oversee all the crime in their particular district or districts.

    We found the street by street thing a little limiting.

  4. I like to circle an area rather than colouring in. It makes the borders a bit softer and less precise, leaving a little extra “grey area” room for fudging and negotiation (“Yes, I suppose that IS inside your Hunting Grounds”, “No, that particular shop is NOT considered Billhook’s territory, this score is already too complicated without bringing them into it as well”)

    ETA: It also of course has the purely cosmetic effect of looking more like what you’d expect to see on a map scrawled over by a band of ruthless half-literate criminals.

  5. I have a similar question about Hunting Grounds/ Factions. Step 3 in Crew Creation – Determine your grounds and decide how to deal with the faction that claims the area. How do I find out which faction claims which area? Is there a list or a map that shows this info, or is that more up to the GM?

  6. That’s up to the GM; it’s been established in Crow’s Foot, but the other areas don’t necessarily have a gang explicitly mentioned as the ward boss.

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