I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved in an awesome little online tabletop experiment; Blades in the Dark, One…

I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved in an awesome little online tabletop experiment; Blades in the Dark, One…

I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved in an awesome little online tabletop experiment; Blades in the Dark, One City, One DM, Two Crews.

Two seperate crews, running in the same instance of Doskvol, run by the same DM. All of our decisions effect the other crew, and vice versa.

John Harper has even come out to watch a few episodes (thanks again John)

Has anyone else attempted something like this?

What do you guys think about this setup?

Any recommendation?

Feel free to check it out for yourself:


5 thoughts on “I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved in an awesome little online tabletop experiment; Blades in the Dark, One…”

  1. John Harper That seriously means a lot. Running tabletop games live on Twitch is a labor of love, and I know you understand the pains and the rush from running in itmeJP.

    This is definitely an exciting venture, and something I’ve never really seen done before (running a single world across multiple channels, that is).

    I’m glad you are enjoying it so far.

  2. I actually had a group of Assassins and a Cult end up at odds after the whole carving out Crow’s foot’s territory dispute. For a while they merely tolerated one another until someone from the Assassins killed the friend of the Cult’s Slide. Then an all out war broke out. Much as to no one’s surprise, War is not a profitable thing. Both sides got dropped a Tier after doing jobs to weaken the other.

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