Has anyone put together a crew sheet that could be used for a group “Revolutionaries”?

Has anyone put together a crew sheet that could be used for a group “Revolutionaries”?

Has anyone put together a crew sheet that could be used for a group “Revolutionaries”? I’ve been thinking that it might be fun for the players to overthrow a corrupt system every once in a while.

8 thoughts on “Has anyone put together a crew sheet that could be used for a group “Revolutionaries”?”

  1. I can see doing that with the Vigilantes playset, or even with several of the default crew types: Assassins, Bravos, Shadows, or Smugglers. Depending on what aspect of the Revolution you want the game to focus on.

  2. I’m with Alfred Rudzki, I believe there is a playset for exactly this due out sometime in the future. “Broken Crown” was the name of it, I think. I feel like Bravos or Vigilantes are the best fit until then.

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