Yeah, I’ve been playing this too much for the last few days.

Yeah, I’ve been playing this too much for the last few days.

Yeah, I’ve been playing this too much for the last few days. The thing is, though: I WOULD PREFER A TABLETOP VERSION SO MUCH MORE.

Originally shared by Appzthatrock

How ‘Card Thief’ Developers Created Tension in the Game – If you like reading about game design or just really liked the excellent Card Thief [$1.99], you’ll be happy to know that Arnold Rauers, of Tinytouchtales, wrote a great blog post about creating tension in Card Thief. The gameĀ is all about a thief sneaking into a castle and stealing all kinds of items, so the developers wanted to create a high-tension experience to evoke the feeling of trying to sneak in and out of a highly guarded p…

5 thoughts on “Yeah, I’ve been playing this too much for the last few days.”

  1. I just want someone with production-nouse to approach them, because the art and mechanics are 90% there, we would just need the probability numbers and a couple of replace-computer rules.

    Chests increasing in value per turn on the board is easy, you just stack another card on top each time.

    Facing, alert values etc would take a bit more figuring out.

    Light is easy to calculate.

  2. Imagine a ‘variable room size’ where the GM could make the grid smaller or larger based on challenge level. Also, additional card types such as pit traps, adventuring gear and mysteries would be amazing. I’m all for a tabletop version!

  3. Nathan Roberts freeing yourself of the 3×3 grid would change the game a lot, but also open up interesting possibilities! Would be fun to do a game jam just using the existing mechanics and cards to create something new.

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