Ran my first session the other night and had a lot of fun.

Ran my first session the other night and had a lot of fun.

Ran my first session the other night and had a lot of fun. Ran into a snag with items though…one character is playing a leech and I wasn’t sure what he had access to. Can he pull any of the things listed on p. 71 out of his bandolier with out making them? Are the crafting rules for items on p. 226 that duplicate the list on p. 71 for non-leeches that want to make poison or bombs or whatever?

4 thoughts on “Ran my first session the other night and had a lot of fun.”

  1. I’m not near my PDF to double check right now but I think you are right in saying they have access to the items on page 71. If the leach wants to craft something else however to make a custom potion to have access to that’s where the crafting rules come into play.

  2. During Downtime, presuming access to a workshop or supplier, the Leech restocks their personal bandolier supply, as per p71. The crafting rules cover more esoteric concoctions the Leech may want, or non-Leech efforts to brew up something.

  3. Don’t forget, too, if the leech has enough coin available, he can flashback some downtime to have the stuff he wants for the current score. Gets expensive quick, but if they’re willing to spend…

  4. The leech has access to everything listed on the character sheet under the bandolier slots. Each use uses a sot, and a single bandolier costs 1 load.

    In BITD we hand wave the details, just like we just assume the spider has their network of informants, we assume the leech has acquired their various equipment items.

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