I’ve found that with a combination of Prisma and Photoshop Express I can make passable Blades style portraits in two minutes or less on my phone. They don’t remotely stand up to John’s work, of course, but considering the effort-to-outcome ratio, I am very pleased. Here is a before and after example for our campaign’s version of Lord Scurlock.
EDIT – Quick tutorial here: https://plus.google.com/+LukasMyhan/posts/bVkMGFfTyfr
Dat Heisenberg filter.
Great work!
Adam Schwaninger I use the Aviator or Composition filters 99% of the time. This one is Aviator, followed by a conversion to High Contrast B&W in PSE and then some manual exposure and contrast adjustments.
I find that Heisenberg typically leaves a lot more details and fine lines than I generally like for these.
Needs more cowbell
That is really cool! I might try that (complete newbie to this kind of thing)!
Thanks so much for this information. I’ve been working on something similar with GIMP and this is much easier with great results!
Thanks for sharing! Is there a similar desktop app? I have access to Photoshop and GIMP, but it’d feel tedious to save a photo on my mobile device, tweak it with Prisma, then send it to my desktop to tweak with Photoshop.
John Perich Not that I know of, but to be clear, this entire process is done on my phone with no exporting to desktop. Photoshop Express is a free app (iPhone in my case, but it exists for Android as well), so everything is done on one device, entirely with free software.
It looks like Photoshop Express is available on the Windows Store for free, and it says it’s for PC or Mobile.
Lukas Myhan – good to know. I can give it a run on my tablet.
Doing this on my iPad and loving results.
Post more pics you buggers
Lukas Myhan Can you share the original? Nice!
Mark Wiand
You can see here how using different Prisma filters gives slightly different end results. While the Walken and Mirren photos both used Aviator, the Statham photo used Composition. I’ll often try two or three different filters before settling on the one that I think works best for a given picture, which depends a lot on the original coloring, contrast, and composition of the photo.
Nice work Lukas Myhan. I’ve been using the cutout filter on Photoshop for Vigilantes and my last Score. It’s also passable, but this looks much more in keeping with Blades.
Lukas Myhan adobe photoshop express?
Greg Barnsdale Yes. iPhone version, in my specific case.
You should post a tutorial Lukas. This might be a great way to add some NPC portraits to a game.
Stras Acimovic: Done!
plus.google.com – Follow-up to this post: https://plus.google.com/+LukasMyhan/posts/J5zQkaCiDcX…
Brilliant. Psyched to be able to do these! Thanks.