Follow-up to this post:

Follow-up to this post:

Follow-up to this post:

At Stras Acimovic’s request, here is a quick walkthrough on how I make these images.

This process uses two free mobile apps. I have only used the iOS versions, so I do not know if there are any significant differences between them and the Android versions.




Adobe Photoshop Express



1. Open photo in Prisma

2. Choose a filter that reduces the detail level of the photo to some degree. I most often use Aviator or Composition. In this case, it was Aviator.

3. Save to local photos.

4. Open Photoshop Express and select the photo exported from Prisma.

5. Under “Looks” choose “B&W” and then “HiContrastBW”.

6. Choose the adjustments menu (looks like a bunch of little sliders).

7. Choose “Light” and make adjustments as you see fit. I usually use some combination of “Contrast”, “Highlights”, and “Shadows”. If I want to get more white and less grey, I use “Exposure” as well, but I didn’t do that with this particular photo.

8. Save the photo.

34 thoughts on “Follow-up to this post:”

  1. Tom Harrison I wouldn’t. The point of this for me is how quick and simple it is for me to do. I can find a photo, manipulate it, and post it to my campaign’s private G+ group in a matter of minutes.

    Other folks have posted in this group about methods for making Blades photos in PS, though; you should be able to find them with a quick search if that’s the route you want to go!

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