A hack/game I’ve been noodling about for a while.

A hack/game I’ve been noodling about for a while.

A hack/game I’ve been noodling about for a while. This uses modified elements from Blades, Fate, and (probably) others. Let me know what you think.

I plan to use this with my personal settings (The Void Sea, Gothelrealm University, On the Rim of the Dark, Ancient Secrets / Eternal Lies, Hearts and Roses, Blood Arcana, DAGON, etc)

Although some of this may be superficially recognizable, please note that nearly everything is tweaked in one way or another. If you play around with it, please let me know how it goes. I’m glad to answer question if anything is unclear.




5 thoughts on “A hack/game I’ve been noodling about for a while.”

  1. I don’t want to be a downer here, I definitely think there is room for a game very much like blades to incorporate some aspects (mind the pun) of fate, or for a game like fate to use some of the BitD mechanisms.

    However, I think trying to hybridize the central resolution mechanic will have issues. Failure is much less likely, and the impact of each additional die is drastically reduced. Is there a reason that you wish to use fudge dice? or is it just because you are using other parts of fate?

  2. Joseph Levey Thanks for looking over it.

    I fully acknowledge that this may not work. I am smashing together a lot of things I like in a game and even if it is playable it may not be to anyone’s taste but my own.

    With regards to the “odds”, did you see that the GM sets a challenge rating for an action? This pretty dramatically changes the chances of failure. See the section under the action roll right after they decide what they are trying to do and right before they put together any bonus dice.

    GM sets challenge rating. Expressed as + results removed before judging an action. This tells how complicated/difficult is this situation.

    Easy (zero)

    Strenuous (1)

    Risky (2)

    Daunting (3)

    If not enough + results are rolled, but there is a potential partial success, they will need to spend stress to make up difference if they want to use that partial successes, or the action by default is a failure.

    I’m using fate/fudge dice because they are so easy to read and this speeds up play, especially if I use this with kids.

  3. I actually think the fate dice make it confusing. the negative doesn’t mean what I expect a negative to mean. trying to find the highest die on regular d6 isn’t hard, or adding all plusses and minuses to a number isn’t hard.

    But you have gone with a very strange, plusses are a sucess no plusses or blanks are a failure if you need more than 1 success and don’t get enough successes you need to pay stress (this doesn’t seem to be covered in the doc) to turn the result into a partial success.

    Your mechanism is simple when you only need 1 success , but how this mechanism resolves when you need 3 successes but get 1 (+) with 2 (–)s and 2 blanks… does this change if I had 1 (+) 3 (–)s and 1 blank?

    I can’t work that out from your document, how is a kid supposed to?

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