17 thoughts on “Doskvol Riots of 847”

  1. those questions for setting up the situation are great. they go straight for the throat and are hard to forget. It would be neat if there were some examples of complications / devil bargains to give the GM an idea of how things fit together?

  2. Thanks Aaron Berger. Yeah, I think some of those questions would probably make for some good clocks that DBs and complications could tick. I’ll think on how to add that in.

  3. Great stuff Sean!

    To Follow on from +Aaron Berger’s ideas, maybe you could attach a clock to each ‘option’ with some tagline choices? Like say for the witch burning have ‘reprisals / arcane disturbance / curvew’ Gives the GM some leeway to escalate what they are interested in

  4. This is fantastic! Great work!

    I have found 5 errors:

    Opening quote: “…must be put down captain.” should be “…must be put down, captain.”

    First paragraph: “…broken up by factory foreman…” should be “…broken up by factory foremen…”

    Under Last Night: “…and you’re crew…” should be “…and your crew…”

    Under Skovlan Refugees: “How does that work out?” should be “How did that work out?” given previous sentence tense.

    Under Creating Change: “Ask they GM…” should be “Ask the GM…”

  5. This is really cool! I love these starting scenes, used Scurlock Manor for a very successful one-shot, will definitely give this a try too. Hope you are planning on creating more Sean Nittner!

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