Faction relationship map.

Faction relationship map.

Faction relationship map.

Just for giggles I constructed a faction relationship map.

In this solid lines are allies dash lines are enemies.

The map itself is actually generated by plantuml so it’s a bit of a tangle, but I figured some people might find it amusing.

4 thoughts on “Faction relationship map.”

  1. Actually next time Im bored Im thinking of writing a ruby script to generate a dynamic svg, that should actually be more readable and include npcs, assets, clocks, districts, quirks and situations. But for now I have this which is more indicative of complexity than actively useful.

  2. This exercise was actually pretty useful as it identified a pile of relation information about factions that dont get detailed information in the book(any faction on the sheet that isnt in all caps), indicated a bunch of factions that noone cares about (neither friend nor foe) and even uncovered factions that are not described at all in the faction sheet relationship chart(immortal emporaror, vultured, workhouse labours, workhouse foremen). Plus building it gave me a much bigger understand of the world of bitd

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