41 thoughts on “Vigilantes 2.0 is up”

  1. A huge thank you to Stras Acimovic for helping be get through a few mental roadblocks on this. Vigilantes 2.0 has some significant differences between previous versions (claims come with contacts, gangs removed, upgrades changed, experts gain a type). A bunch of those changes I was nervous about pulling the trigger on, but I’m so glad I did it. These are the vigilantes that I wanted to create. Thank you sir for helping me over that hump!

  2. Awesome job Sean! Don’t know when I’ll get to try this but I’m excited to at some point (in fact, the character I had in my for my next Blades PC would work best as a Vigilante).

    One question about the Moral Compass ability: first, there’s a typo – it says “oblication” instead of “obligation.” Also, since every Vigilante already has Obligation as a vice, don’t they essentially already have this XP trigger? Or is the idea that they can double-up, potentially gaining 4 XP between their regular vice/traumas and the obligation?

  3. Thomas Berton. Woot, thanks for catching that. I added that move last minute and it was full of typos! Just fixed them.

    In this case obligation could be fulfilling their vice (and thus allow them to double up) or it could be other promises they make. If their vice purveyor happens to be someone the are struggling to keep an oath to, they yep, this allows them to double up.

  4. The Above the Law rework is sweet. I remember you had a discussion thread about it earlier; glad to see it worked out.

    Also, the Romeo and Juliet-inspired entry in the Vigilante Opportunity list is.. it’s just so good. I lol’d.

  5. Thanks Adam Schwaninger. That and Local Heroes are two things I struggled with forever and feel really good about now. Defiant Citizens even got cleaned up.

    Glad you caught the R+J reference, I think it’s kind of perfect for Vigilantes 🙂

  6. Jakob Oesinghaus that would be super cool. I don’t think it is quite finished though (always more revisions). Does it work best for you to do it now and iterate later or wait till it’s done?

  7. When you have two vices and one or more Trauma, do you have to satisfy both of them in Downtime to avoid taking stress, or does indulging in one of them cover that requirement?

  8. Jakob Oesinghaus, yeah that sounds right. The biggest thing I’ve been trying to figure out is how to make more space for new contacts on the page, but in Roll20, that is already there… so you’re already ahead of me!

  9. Oh, this is exciting stuff! You guys are a font of gamery!

    Would you be all right with a few portraits of the contacts and nobodies? Those tiny capsules are quite inspiring.

    Also, happy birthday! I raise my glass to you sir.

  10. This looks fantastic, are you considering additional playbooks or do you feel the 7 in the core game are plenty. There feels like there might be some room here especially for a leader type, maybe somewhere between a spider and a cutter with some different poetry.

  11. Matthew Vincett, that would be so cool. I’d love to hear how it goesl

    Lex Permann, thanks. Fixed.

    Joseph Levey, I’m just doing the crew playbook for this playset, but I could totally see other scoundrel types working as vigilantes.

  12. Late to the party here! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SEAN!!! 🙂

    Wow! Just holy fucking WOW! That is FANTASTIC work, Mr Nittner! Home run. We’re rebooting a game of Blades and I am pushing for this to be the thing we play. This shit is dope.

    I do have a question though: what’s the difference between a workshop and the sparkcraft workshop?

  13. Thanks so much Ben Liepis! And that is a great question. When I was first making it, the workshop would have given access to create spark-craft stuff but now that is open to anyone. I’ll likely be swapping that out for Dedicated Crafters.

  14. Your hack was great before but when I opened up the latest build the art smacked my eyes silly and I started scrolling and skimming like mad. The layout, quotes, rules tweaks…they’re just so good!

    Dedicated Crafters sounds cool. What will that provide, mechanically? Effect? Oh, I really like the side job DTA. I will be adding that to scoundrel-focused games, too. 🙂

  15. Thanks so much Ben Liepis.

    Experts are typed for Vigilantes (and can have multiple types like a Blades gang). Dedicated gives experts of a particular type (in this case crafters) get +1 quality (like elite gangs) when doing that type of action.

  16. Sean, question to you. I’m going to be involved in a game where we’re debating a couple of different Crew Types, including Vigilantes. Do Vigilantes get the As Good As Your Word Crew Ability for free in addition to the one that all crews get at the start of play, or is that already decided for them, or is the fact that the ability dot is blacked out a typo?

  17. Sean Nittner Thanks. A single other nitpicky question to ask you, before the GM and I start having open debates again. The Vigilante Crew Ability Uncanny Preparation states that “twice per session during a Desperate action…” Does this twice per session apply to the whole crew, or to each person in the crew individually?

    Ex: The Crew has players Al, Bruce, Cathy, and Dean. Bruce gets into a jam trying to fight off the gang enforcer (he’s a Lurk and axed his Prowl roll to get him in the neck) and uses Uncanny Preparation to beat him out. Later on, as they’re busy trying to blow up the Fog Hounds alchemical lab (long story), while the collective gang is trying to break down the door, Dean uses Uncanny Preparation. At this point, is Uncanny Preparation used up? Or are there still uses of it left?

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