Does anyone have any idea (or thoughts) what the two different styles of dots (one white, the other a bullseye) on…

Does anyone have any idea (or thoughts) what the two different styles of dots (one white, the other a bullseye) on…

Does anyone have any idea (or thoughts) what the two different styles of dots (one white, the other a bullseye) on The Shattered Isle map (last page of sheets) mean? At first I thought it was capitols, , but it just hit me that Imperial city isn’t marked as one, so that can’t be it. Is it major cities? Isn’t Lockport supposed to be really important, though?

Just curious.

5 thoughts on “Does anyone have any idea (or thoughts) what the two different styles of dots (one white, the other a bullseye) on…”

  1. Thomas Berton Huh. That’s an interesting thought… I’d have that Lockport would’ve had barriers since its an important refinery town, but given how it’s presented as just this super-shit place to live I could see it not having them, just to add to the shittery of it.

  2. I’m pretty sure it’s related to Ghost Lines the game about the Rail jacks riding along the trains in the deathlands, one of John’s earlier ttrpgs that inspired Blades. On the Ghost Lines map, the bullseye dots correspond with the ones on the Blades in the dark map(same map, Blades is updated and has some city names switched around), in ghost lines they were the most dangerous lines, the ones that threatened the worst of what the deathlands held against the electro rails and their protectors, as for what they mean on the Blades map I would assume it’s the same thing, a reference for if the game decides to go on the rails, maybe leftover when they were changing the map for the newer game, as like a call back to it’s inspiration. That’s my thoughts on it 😀

  3. Evan Gilbreath I did not know that, and looking into it you’re completely right. It would also certainly explain why Bright Harbor, instead of Sunfall, is given such note in the U’duasha guide’s history section.

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