BackerKit orders locked down and cards charged tomorrow 4/11

BackerKit orders locked down and cards charged tomorrow 4/11

BackerKit orders locked down and cards charged tomorrow 4/11

Hi all,

Just a reminder that we’re going to lock down all the orders and charge cards on BackerKit tomorrow. That also means we’ll be forwarding addresses to our shipper so they are prepared to send out your books when they are ready.

If you need to make a change to your order, or if you haven’t filled out your BackerKit survey yet, head over to and do it ASAP.

Any changes made after tomorrow be subject to shipping delays, losing faction status with the Bad Caps, and possible visits from the unquiet dead.

10 thoughts on “BackerKit orders locked down and cards charged tomorrow 4/11”

  1. Because there’s always someone who has to make it complicated:

    I updated my address to my brother’s place because I’m going to be moving, but there was no distinction between billing address and shipping address on Backerkit. Should I switch it back and update shipping after, or will the shipping address not impact the credit card charge?

    Sorry for the last minute inquiry haha

  2. Christopher Bedford, I’ve checked with BackerKit and they don’t need your billing address, only shipping (not sure how that magic works) so as long as you have the right shipping address, you should be set.

  3. Unfortunately I hadn’t looked at the group these last days and got the dreaded insufficient funds mail. My wages will be in at the beguinning of the Norwegian business day so I hope you just can try again tomorrow.

  4. Haakon Olav Thunestvedt, yeah, that’s no problem. Once you’re ready to process it, just update BackerKit (even if it’s with the same card info) and it will charge it. If you do it by tomorrow that should be fine.

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