My crew of arcane hawkers gets a contract for their first score: running the Lampblacks off some turf in the…

My crew of arcane hawkers gets a contract for their first score: running the Lampblacks off some turf in the…

My crew of arcane hawkers gets a contract for their first score: running the Lampblacks off some turf in the underground streets beneath the Nightmarket!

7 thoughts on “My crew of arcane hawkers gets a contract for their first score: running the Lampblacks off some turf in the…”

  1. Was an excellent session Jon. I was curious how much preparation you did before it and how much was straight off the cuff. That, and what Factions you’re going to be the most interested in dealing with.

  2. Pierce Jones Thanks! I fleshed out the contacts and faction relationships that the players chose during Ep 0, but no more than a few sentences each. That was enough to generate an opening score scenario that tied into their interests and strengths fairly easily. Only the set up with Mr Poole was structured. Everything else was winging it.

    My intent was to drop them straight into a score so they could see the game in action. I didn’t want any waffling while they tried to figure out something to do. From this point forward, they’ll have free rein to pick and choose their scores.

    The game could go in a completely different direction, but I have notes for the Spirit Wardens, Ulf Ironborn, the Foghounds, and Bluecoats. The Skovlan Uprising is also something that may come into play, since we have two war-weary Skovlan vets in the crew…

    Time will tell!

  3. That’s awesome Jon Britton! I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on everything as the game goes on. Got you subscribed and everything 😀

  4. Angelo Pileggi That’s very kind, thank you! If this is your first actual play, I highly recommend watching the other BitD actual plays that are highlighted here on the group, especially those run by John Harper and Sean Nittner. I’m going to copy and paste a link list that Sean posted in reply to Shaun Hayworth’s excellent Daybreakers series: – Blades in the Dark (Let’s Play, Tabletop) – YouTube (John’s Bloodletters game) (Shaun’s Daybreakers) (Rollplay) (Actual Play) (Eric Vulgaris) (Distracted Elf) (FriendlyFireTV) (Drop Dice, not actually play, but discussion of the game in depth)

    We hope to be half as entertaining as any of these at some point. Enjoy! – Man, it’s almost like there’s a whole bunch of people playing Blades on Twitc…

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