Hey gang, I have a dumb question.

Hey gang, I have a dumb question.

Hey gang, I have a dumb question.

So I completely missed the kickstarter, but preordered via Backerkit, and am reading through the stretch goals–they’ll all be in the main book, right? I’d assume they’d come into the PDF via update through DriveThru, but they’ll be in the physical copy once that ships too right?

I only ask because I know there have been PBtA games in the back that had stretch goals locked behind special editions or were kickstarter exlcusive (Masks and AW 1st edition come to mind), and I’m super excited for the Vigilantes gang and Western/Cyberpunk hacks.


5 thoughts on “Hey gang, I have a dumb question.”

  1. It looks like all bonus content will all be released separately, digitally, as it is finished. Scum & Villainy and the Vigilantes playset are both already available in draft form, while the Uduashu content will be available only in the special edition print book.

  2. The KS add-ons were KS only (they’re not in the book) though each author is free to release their content however they please. Vigilantes is on Sean Nittner’s site, here: seannittner.com – Blades in the Dark

    Scum & Villainy is available via DriveThruRPG. The rest will be released in the future.

    Once the official Blades website is up, I’ll collect links to everything in one place.

  3. Thomas Deeny Upon actually doing some research I’ve learned that the Halcyon City Herald stuff is actually available as an extra purchase, and is not in fact Kickstarter exclusive.

    So I guess a better way to phrase it is not “would it be Kickstarter Exclusive”, but rather “will they have to be bought separately”

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