14 thoughts on “Veterans”

  1. Yep, precisely.

    (A central concept like this not being spelled out is one of the few huge glaring problems with the rulebook. It’s made pretty clear in the character sheets which are a separate document, but I pity any hypothetical person who picks up a print edition at their local FLGS and doesn’t know to go looking for the playsheets.)

  2. So on the character sheet there are three dots next to “veteran”. Does that mean you can take 3 outside abilities, or it take 3 level ups to get an outside ability?

  3. Yeah, I think someone proposed changing it to a single dot and saying it was one you could take as many times as you wanted and John replied and said he was going to do something about it if I remember correctly.

  4. My understanding is that you can. We have someone in our group who has and I nearly did too. At the end of the day, it’s up to you and your group. I nearly took it as my first because I wanted to play my character one way (in terms of the XP triggers), but to do that I wanted special abilities from a different playbook.

  5. I agree with you but, in this case, let me just say that I think the name “veteran advances” may be a little misleading. One could think they have to pick them only from a certain point of the game onwards.

  6. I think the original idea may have been for them to be an option that you didn’t take initially but did to branch out later on, but the game became much more about freedom for players to play how they wanted so it was opened up to be whenever.

    Then again, I might be talking rubbish. I didn’t pick up the game until v6 so maybe someone who has been here longer can answer better, if not John Harper​.

  7. Maybe I just found out the answer. In this discussion (https://plus.google.com/113770875846500802031/posts/RMGUREGFZrP) Max said:

    – – –

    “You can take them at any time.

    You could even start the game with a veteran advance as your first ability to play as a really off the wall character.”

    – – –

    And, then, John himself:

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    “Yep, Max is right. I usually discourage taking a Veteran ability as the first pick, though.”

    – – –

    Note that here John is talking about picking a veteran ability as the first special ability of the booklet, not as the first advance.

  8. If you have the game book, you know to go looking for the sheets, since the book tells you to do that. 🙂

    But, yeah… it’s an bit weird that veteran advances aren’t explained in the book. Just an oversight on my part. I expect it to result in few real problems, though, so I’m not that bummed about it.

    If that counts as a “huge glaring problem” for you, then I guess we have different standards. 🙂

  9. Out of curiosity, Chris Herde​, how did you know to ask about veteran advances? The one place they’re mentioned (the character sheet) is also where they’re explained.

  10. It’s a question from a player. I’m starting up a campaign with this system for the first time so I’m still getting a handle on all the mechanics and terminology myself

  11. Veteran advances are mentioned sans explanation in a few scattered places in the actual book. The sections on spirits, advanced abilities, and changing playbooks or crew types… I think those are the only mentions.

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