Getting claims as gifts without going to prison.

Getting claims as gifts without going to prison.

Getting claims as gifts without going to prison.

Is this feasible? I would think so. If going to prison can net you a claim, why couldn’t you get one by doing a favor on the outside? I’m looking for some ideas. LTPs are always good but might be too simple, unless linked with another LTP and possibly some scores. Hmmm…

6 thoughts on “Getting claims as gifts without going to prison.”

  1. Let’s say a faction low on people and with +3 status wants you to take over their drug den to make them money. Why not? Strings attached of course: Pay them to do their work (nice for them) and maybe you owe them a favor (nice for them), but the crew got the claim. So win-kind-of-win-situation…?

    If the fiction is good that I would allow this.

  2. I’d handle it as a score. Remember two things (both from page 46:

    1. Every claim in Doskvol is already controlled by a faction. To acquire one for yourself, you have to take it from someone else.

    2. However, you may attempt to seize any claim on your map, ignoring the paths (or even seek out a special claim not on your map) but these operations will always

    be especially difficult and require exceptional efforts to discover and achieve. The claim roadmap shows typical paths for advancement, not an absolute restriction on your operations.

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