My players are an odd bunch.

My players are an odd bunch.

My players are an odd bunch.

We just wrapped up our fourth session of Blades, and our as-of-yet unnamed Crew of Smugglers has smuggled in a very, VERY shifty-looking artifact for the nobleman father of the group’s Hound. They ended up in a running gunfight in Barrowcleft, wherein the Hound shot a Spirit Warden’s horse out from under him. The group then decided that animal ghosts were a thing.

And then I rolled the Unquiet Dead entanglement.

So now the Hound has a revenge-obsessed ghost-horse on her tail, looking for opportunities to get its vengeance. It is all at once ridiculous and utterly terrifying.

Ghost-horse. Jesus…

(Brief aside, art belongs to Mina Sunderberg. If you haven’t read her webcomic Stand Still, Stay Silent, you should. The ghosts in it have directly influenced the worst spectral inhabitants of my Doskvol.)

3 thoughts on “My players are an odd bunch.”

  1. Gennifer Bone, did you wander here upon a delicious accident? If so, welcome to the shrouded streets of Duskwall and beware the Blades in the Dark! 🙂

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