Does a Leech have to use the crafting rules in order to select gadgets?

Does a Leech have to use the crafting rules in order to select gadgets?

Does a Leech have to use the crafting rules in order to select gadgets? If so, it seems the gadgets part of the playbook is weak. If not, too strong. Thoughts? Ideas? An obvious thing I’m missing to smack me upside the head with?

6 thoughts on “Does a Leech have to use the crafting rules in order to select gadgets?”

  1. The book seems pretty clear that they need to craft them. The item slots just seem to be there for the eventuality that the Leech makes some gadgets. If that seems underpowered, remember that they get free access to an impressive array of alchemicals, poisons and bombs right off the bat.

  2. EDIT: We are on a break and discussed it. You bring up good points. We’re in the middle of a game on a break and nipping buds. Thanks!

  3. I still feel its unnecessary. Any class can craft gadgets, so why is it even on the Leech sheet. The only way I can see it being on there is if the Leech can take upto 3 Gadgets and any other class can only bring one

  4. I honestly just think it’s there because the Leech is the most likely to have gadgets and there was a line in the playbook that would otherwise be empty that John decided to fill with something useful.

  5. Thomas Berton , probably, however it has no other mechanical benefit save load-tracking convenience. That’s not a big deal, though. Your point about the free alchemicals made sense.

    I do miss the extra blank load spaces. Those were handy. IMHO, I would’ve kept the blank load slots for each playbook (especially since everyone can craft gadgets now) and added some other nifty thing, such as “Gadgeteer’s rigging” which gives two 0-load gadget slots. It’s a big boon, especially when considering other rigging, but being as you have to Tinker your gadgets (which at Tier 0 can be difficult or impossible, depending on funds) and take a DTA to do so, it’s balanced. Yep, this is a thing I will be hacking into the game.

    Yeah, I’m back where I started, a bit. Sue me. 🙂

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