So, I’ve been trying to figure out what the initial situation would be for the crew of Hawkers that we have here and…

So, I’ve been trying to figure out what the initial situation would be for the crew of Hawkers that we have here and…

So, I’ve been trying to figure out what the initial situation would be for the crew of Hawkers that we have here and it finally dawned upon me after reading into some of the factions in the back.

The players are going to be approached by The Hive, who witnessed the ambitious movement of this low-tier crew kicking out the Red Runners from a small part of Silkshore, and are wanting to use them to try and put more pressure on the Crows.

I’m going to play up the personal vendetta that the leader of the Hive has against the leader of the Crows, wanting to have an intermediary push back on one of the wealthiest gangs whose coin supports the Crows.

It’ll help focus the players upon the rival that they helped create and show off the brutality of a gang war. Also it’ll open some opportunities since they’re all the way over in Six Towers and have pissed off the Gray Cloaks really bad.

It shall be fun, I’ll have a play report up after game tomorrow. 😀

2 thoughts on “So, I’ve been trying to figure out what the initial situation would be for the crew of Hawkers that we have here and…”

  1. Sounds like you’re off to a great start Pierce Jones. I’d keep yourself open to the player’s reactions. Maybe they will work for the Hive but try to cheat them. Maybe they will flip and working for the Red Runners or the Crows. Maybe they will tell them all to piss off and try to sell their product on their own. All good options 🙂

  2. Indeed! So far, they’ve decided to work for the Hive and haven’t realized or learned that they’re going to be dragged into the personal feud that entails. That and possibly become big enemies with a lot of big names in there. Thanks for the vote of confidence Sean Nittner 

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