Going to take the game for a spin this weekend and wanted a physical copy so I took up case binding. It didn’t turn out perfect and the rules update today didn’t make it in but I love it!

Going to take the game for a spin this weekend and wanted a physical copy so I took up case binding.
Going to take the game for a spin this weekend and wanted a physical copy so I took up case binding. It didn’t turn out perfect and the rules update today didn’t make it in but I love it!
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Very cool.
Very Excellent
some poetic justice that it was pressed between two DnD player’s handbooks.
Best use for 4e books yet!
Reduce Reuse Recycle. It’s all about being good to our planet.
Love it!
awesome.. perfect binding or kettle stitched?
How much gutter margin did you end up with?
+Mark Plemmons the answer is not quite enough. I got it a little too tight. I’ll get you the measurements when I get home tonight. +Kenny Crowe case bound I used this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGQ5P8QVHSg youtube.com – DIY Hardcover Book | Case Bookbinding Tutorial | Sea Lemon as a guide. They were super helpful. I believe this is basically Kettle Stitching though. I use http://www.cheapimpostor.com/ for printing the signature.
No worries on the exact measurements, since I won’t be binding my own. I was just curious.
James Smith awesome link on “cheap imposter” i’ve been looking for something like that myself – i have been making my own notebooks and diaries (I write a lot) but printing out some ebooks or pdfs for more practice would be great !
(also – sea lemon is an awesome site, eh?)
by the way – what is that cover material? Looks awesome
It’s faux leather cosplay material from joanns fabric.