2 thoughts on “Anyone has cool ideas for Faction Clocks for the Dagger Isles Consulate, Dockers and Rail Jacks ?”

  1. Dagger Isles Consulate want an embassy outside the lightning field.

    Unions and labor forces strike. Dockers seive the means of production. either the entire pier or a ship of their own. The Rail Jackers… Now i can’t remember if they’re the same thing as the line bulls who protect the trains from ghosts. I think they might lay the tracks perhaps? If they lay the tracks then perhaps they’re looking to up escort services… Make an alliance with the Silver Nailers?

    If they are the line bulls by a different name, then maybe their strike looks like letting ghosts in from outside as the trains come in.

  2. Whenever I make faction clocks, I take inspiration from their relationships, and I try to make them actionable for the players if they want. I try to make each clock something obvious enough for the players to notice fictionally (in the morning papers, through some contact, etc.) and then see if anything grabs their attention. Each clock has a sort of implied “job” that wouldn’t be more than a gather information roll to get going.

    Dagger Isles Consulate:

    – Plan the grand fete for revealing their new Leviathan Hunter the Cupiscence (They name all their ships after their captain’s virtues and bind the captain’s soul to the ship upon death)

    – Hide the Hive’s involvement with paying for their new (and only third) Leviathan Hunter

    – Create a contact among the Docker’s foremen (which will then turn into: Take control of the Docker’s leadership to force concessions from the City Council)


    – Arrange a “meeting” (read: night of drunken delights) with the Fog Hounds to get a mass of them addicted to the Red Sashes’ drug dens (then Turn the Fog Hounds agains the Lampblacks)

    – Drive out the Ink Rake agitators that try to get the younger dock workers to join their cockamamie “communist” meetings

    – Figure out who’s letting someone steal from the Sparrow’s Warf without paying it up (This will turn into: Make a show of force against the Skovlander Refugees once they figure out that Ulf Ironborn is raiding them)


    – Stockpile supplies for a mass walk-off (this will turn into: Fortify the Station for the inevitable assault by the Imperial Garrison)

    – Find the Severosi Ghost Hunter that keeps challenging Railjacks to duels (and teach him a lesson about embarrassing a Railjack)

    – Get into a series of wide scale, amicable bar brawls with the Dockers (read: ally with them)

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