Custom setting: ideas for general locations

Custom setting: ideas for general locations

Custom setting: ideas for general locations

Hey all,

Thought I’d crowdsource some ideas. While I love the Duskvol setting and factions, my players have expressed an interest in creating our own. I know one of the strengths of Duskvol is the fact that space os restricted which forces conflict whenever anyone wants to expand and so I’d imagine that this is a fairly essential quality for Blades to work well (though I’m sure in hacks, people have ways around it).

So my question is basically, does anyone have any ideas about other essential elements for a good custom setting?

Secondly, does anyone have anyone have any good ideas for other settings that could be restrictive or isolated enough to work well in Blades?

Most recently I had the idea of a swamp-based setting. If only some of the ground is viable to build on, that would prevent expansion in to uncontested areas, including trying to build on top of existing land.

I’ve also thought about a subterranean, sinkhole setting with unscaleable walls, a frozen wasteland, an oasis in a desert, and the classic nuclear wasteland safespot.

Any other ideas gratefully received.

6 thoughts on “Custom setting: ideas for general locations”

  1. I’ve got a hankering to run something set in mos eisley. Starting off taking out small gangs on tattoine and then expanding into the rest of hutt space before potentially taking down jabba.

  2. Really it could work with less physically restrictive locations as long as there is some kind of pressure, political or territorial, hemming you in.

    Instead of deathlands you have a hostile neighboring kingdom or roving barbarians.

  3. A dome ruled by a computer/god/entity “The computer is your friend” like – Paranoia (role-playing game) – Wikipedia

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  4. John Harper​ or anyone else making hacks, can you speak to what considerations or restrictions you used while making your custom settings in order for them to be most conducive to Blades feel and gameplay?

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