Since Dishonored is a huge influence on Blades and both are pure awesomeness, I wanted to share my pointless victory! 🙂
Since Dishonored is a huge influence on Blades and both are pure awesomeness, I wanted to share my pointless victory!
Since Dishonored is a huge influence on Blades and both are pure awesomeness, I wanted to share my pointless victory! 🙂
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Arne Jamtgaard , thanks! I know it’s a waste of time, but damn if that game isn’t fun! I’ve played it through around dozen times, I think. lol
I’m a big fan of the original, and am saving to treat myself to D2 soon…
It’s soooooooooooo good! If you haven’t played Dishonored’s DLCs, I highly recommend doing so before hitting D2.