So I am going to do a bit of writing and write down what had occurred in Session 0.5.

So I am going to do a bit of writing and write down what had occurred in Session 0.5.

So I am going to do a bit of writing and write down what had occurred in Session 0.5. It was supposed to be the Scoundrel & Crew generation session but some players were sick and I didn’t want to do the latter and miss out on their input. I’ve been pushing very hard to let them know that it is the crew that is the main character and they are the cast members of it. I’ve been trying as much as possible to my terminology in the way of it being a show we’re creating, rather than D&D or what have you.

The group has decided on being a Cult dedicated to a Forgotten God, that much was agreed upon even by the people I contacted by messenger. I was kind of hoping against this but having read through the book more, watching some of the Rollplay, and just generally keeping myself excited for the game, I find myself very interested in the group we’ll have for it

Firstly, we have our Slide. Going simply by the name of Cavit, he is a Tycherosi. with swirling eyes like colored mist, that used to work for a travelling carnival. A con-man by trade, he distracted the marks who would be picked clean. Upon being contacted by the God, however, he has fully dedicated himself to the power and strangeness of their benefactor. All he wishes is to see its power fully manifest and to unleash its holy might upon the world.

Next we have the Lurk; a Skovlander kleptomaniac. Once a locksmith who worked with his partner taking down marked houses, he became a renowned safe cracker and was drawn into the cult. We haven’t really delved too deeply into “how” he was pulled into the cult, I wanted to delve into that more when we fleshed out who the Forgotten God was.

In the Leech, we have another Tycherosi. Going by the name Rahutu, whose cheeks are decorated with freckles that glitter like stars in the dark sky on a cloudless day, he was an apothecary that became intrigued in the potential uses of leviathan blood. He believes it can be further refined, the toxicity could be reversed and it could be used to enhance humanity. The cult provides an ample opportunity and a God’s power should not be balked at in the pursuit of science.

Next we have the Whisper, yet another Tycherosi named Aldritch (my friends love the weird look, so this was expected) whose mark are these tentacle like dreadlocks that he keeps hidden underneath robes and tatters. Once a Librarian back in Tycheros, he studies into the occult led to him being contacted by the Forgotten God’s thought-tendrils and taught a ritual that empowers a weapon to feed souls to the Forgotten God. The leader of this cult, he’ll have plenty of chances to use it because I believe they were considering taking Sacrifice as their specialty.

Lastly, we have the group’s Cutter, a defeated Skovlan soldier who has been “marked” by a demon (which grants him the Ghost Fighter ability). Named Laudius Vale, he has sworn vengeance against the Empire and likely hopes his dedication to the cult will bring his vengeance to bear. I’m going to work on his vice, changing it from “Obligation – Revenge on Duskvol” to “Obligation – Aiding the Skovlan Resistance”. I have the idea brewing that with the group seemingly focused on “cleansing” the corrupt from the upper echelons, they may work with Skovlander rebels. Of course, I’m not going to force it, but it is an idea.

We haven’t really done anything with the Crew outside of discussing it, though they decided to place their sacred sites right within the territory of the Red Sashes. The Slide has chosen Bazso Baz as his friend, so that sets them up naturally for the gang war between the two forces and I’m going to go with the artifact score that is suggested just to give a jumping point for the group.

Next time, we’ll hopefully have ideas of what will be going on with the crew and maybe the beginning of the first score. I was disappointed to not have done more that first session, so I’m trying to get everyone together for an impromptu session tomorrow to at least finish things before next game.

I haven’t thought of a campaign name yet but soon, soon we will. And we shall see if Duskvol will burn for its sins.

2 thoughts on “So I am going to do a bit of writing and write down what had occurred in Session 0.5.”

  1. Unfortunately, game will have to wait till Monday. Then we’ll finish the character creation process, get a feel for the cult, and come up with a cool campaign name 😛

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