25 thoughts on “So it’s out. YAY!”

  1. Parker Emerson you can change your backer level in BK to a few different open levels (Infiltrator, Tinker, Hardcase, and Hacker). To do that, click on “Change my pledge level” when you’re on the add on page). You can also add on the standard and special editions normally.

    Note, that’s only available if you were a backer, not for pre-orders.

  2. For outside Canada and the USA it’s $25 per book shipping. Ouch! Even with the standard edition being a $10 add on for backers, that works out more than the book will be through retail. Not really complaining as I know that shipping is costly but it might make some of my friends think twice about ordering.

  3. That shipping cost definitely wasn’t something I was anticipating either, Paul. We’re up to $55 total for the hardcover, delivered. Finger’s hovering over the button that I thought I’d be jumping on immediately! I’m slightly disappointed that an organisation of Evil Hat’s size doesn’t have a better solution for fulfilling international orders 🙁

  4. Parker Emerson I believe that you get the digital copy as soon as you order the hard cover through BackerKit. I have the new downloads and they came via BackerKit. If you just want digital then drivethru is the way to go unless Evilhat has a digital only version on their store (I’ve yet to look). Also if you get the book at retail Evilhat are very good at providing the digital version along side it.

  5. Niall O’Donnell Evilhat does have a better solution. Retail through FLGS. I will certainly be getting copies through my local store in April. For now if you weren’t in the KS Then getting a digital version though drivethru and waiting on the retail is the way to go as the $20 download price is less than shipping outside of North America 😉

  6. Paul Byford Oh! I did back on KS – my $20 pledge got me the $10 hardcover, which is $25 shipped. I think I’ll just chuck in the extra $35 and be happy knowing a hardcover’s on its way!

  7. Paul Byford The PDF is not what Parker is asking about, and what I would like to know – will the stretch goals from the Kickstarter available to new people that pre-order through backerkit? ie, I didn’t back the kickstarter, I want to pre-order now, will I get the “Bluecoats of the Watch” playset, the “Leviathan’s Song” playset? Has anybody who was not a KS backer pre-ordered and seen if any other options are available?

  8. Parker Emerson ah got you. I can’t help you there. Some of the extras made it into the core book (Spider and vigilantes) and I’m pushing for a supplement containing all the Duskvol setting material from the KS to be published sometime in the future but that’s a long way out as some of that is at really early stages. I’m guessing that most things will be available through drivethru like Stras Acimovic’s Scum and Villainy but many of those supplements are a long way off. But getting it as a bundle like in the KS … I’m not sure that’s an option.

  9. Parker Emerson, only the books (and with them PDFs) are available through backerkit, however a lot of the stretch goal material will be available to all soon. Much of it, made by other creators, will come in gradually. John is going to set up a site with links to all of the submissions that are made. Anything in particular that you’re looking for?

  10. Sean Nittner: Thanks for your response! The key thing I was looking for was the Hacker files (the InDesign char sheets, for example). I was also curious if I was going to have to buy each setting piecemeal, or if I could just back and get. (E.g., Scum and Villainy is $12. With a dozen or so settings announced, that could get pricy.) Thanks again!

  11. Parker Emerson, yeah the Hacker level was one of the Kickstarter-only tiers, however once the dust settles and the Blades site is up John will be populating it will lots of downloads including some source files for the blank sheets (crew and character) for folks to customize.

    Regarding the stretch goal material, that’s all based on the creators. John will provide links to all of it, but it’s up to the creators what they will charge and how they will package the content. Some of it (like mine, yay) is done now, but some of it is still in progress.

  12. Sean Nittner – thanks for being so communicative today! Yeah, John indicated that in some fashion non-backers would be able to get their hands on hacking materials. I’m happy to throw money into hands that want it, I just want to do it as efficiently as possible. Thanks kindly!

  13. Jason Eley we haven’t put that on the schedule but will soon. Do me a favor and ping me after 2/20 (that’s when we’ll have the special edition done and files sent to the printer).

  14. Shouldn’t there be an option to add the Duskvol Novel?

    Back at the kickstarter it said that one needs to add $5 for it and that it could be selected during the survey,..

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