12 thoughts on “For a reskin (sticking as closely to the RAW as I can)…”

  1. I’d go Study. Study is for gathering info, getting details about things, research, which is what I see Hacking doing as well. Unfortunately, Study is also for searching rooms and reading people, so your hacker may end up good at those things as a side effect.

  2. My two pennies: Study, Survey, and Tinker all do different parts of what Cyberpunk settings usually call “hacking”. Study would be great for financial dailies, public building schematics or trying to decipher an already acquired but encrypted data archive. Survey would fill the need for breaching security to get at details beneath a layer of ICE or trying to suss out the required patrol routes of building security. Tinker works well for actively trying to hack systems in the moment – getting open that security door, taking control of those automatic gun emplacements or baffling that camera network.

    Good luck and keep us posted!

  3. Building on what Evan said, I’d probably make:

    Tinker=Rewire (Technology physically or remotely to control it or change its function)

    Study=Search (The Internet for information, scan an object to gather data or access knowledge about a specific thing)

    Survey=Breech (Firewalls and Security, View a location remotely via technology, analyse positioning by scanning a nearby location)

  4. Thanks, +Antimatter. I’m not going full cyberpunk, I’m just updating the description to acknowledge computers. Both of you (Evan Louscher) – thanks for your thoughtful responses.

  5. The multi pronged approach is completely right, just as you can stab someone with skirmish or prowl or persuade ghosts to help you with attune or consort you should be able to subvert computer systems with various rolls.

  6. In Runners (SR hack of Blades) I called Tinker, Rig. And hacking uses whatever action makes sense, but I also added a Coder ability which allows them to include advanced programming and Matrix features in their inventions (kind of like the Tinker ability, Artificer)

  7. Oh, shiny, a SR hack of blades. I’d really like to take a look. My take is, if hacking is a real thing in the setting, and it likely will be if you have a bunch of scoundrels in a modern or cyberpunk setting, it would also be possible to make it a special ability and then use whatever action seems most appropriate to what you are doing. Brute force for overwhelming the ICE? – Wreck; Checking out a target system before you do anything rash – might be a good fit for survey. Fiddling with the system to find an exploitable weakness? Might be tinker. Researching a topic on the internet? Probably study. Etc. Some of these things may be possible without the special ability.

  8. Joachim Leibhammer Sure 🙂 It’s in the wall o Blades hacks. drive.google.com – Runners in the Shadows shareable – Google Drive

    Yea some of that is exactly right. Since actions like Study and Survey are so broad, that is precisely how those work even without any special ability. Rig is mostly for rigging machines and using common tech mostly. Hacker ability extends it. Brute force hacking doesn’t use Wreck in my hack; doing that to a system is more about rigging up some dataspikes than using a physical action like Wreck (and is possible with Hacker, but functions more like a magic spell with the ability, Dataspike).

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