I have a question for John Harper: I noticed there is a Blades in the Dark Backerkit.

I have a question for John Harper: I noticed there is a Blades in the Dark Backerkit.

I have a question for John Harper: I noticed there is a Blades in the Dark Backerkit. But I didn’t see much information available. Is there a way to get in on the printed version of Blades? Is there going to be a PoD version through DrivethruRPG at some point? Thanks!

11 thoughts on “I have a question for John Harper: I noticed there is a Blades in the Dark Backerkit.”

  1. Hi Stefan Struck, yep, we’ll be broadcasting the news on many fronts, but here’s the short of it. Come 1/30 the BackerKit will open for pre-orders of the print editions (both standard and special editions). On that day backers and people who purchased through Drive Thru will also get the final PDF.

  2. Will it be possible to get the hacker kit as well on Backerkit? I bought at the Infiltrator level, but I wouldn’t mind being able to get the source files for building custom sheets. Or will they be available for purchase after the release?

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