I have a question for John Harper: I noticed there is a Blades in the Dark Backerkit. But I didn’t see much information available. Is there a way to get in on the printed version of Blades? Is there going to be a PoD version through DrivethruRPG at some point? Thanks!
I have a question for John Harper: I noticed there is a Blades in the Dark Backerkit.
I have a question for John Harper: I noticed there is a Blades in the Dark Backerkit.
Yes, you’ll be able to pre-order a hardcopy of the book via Backerkit (even if you aren’t a KS backer).
More on this will come out in the KS update, but the pre-order will go live on BK on 1/30.
Sean Nittner Please note, that the last KS updates were only visble for KS-backers. Info for non-KS backer will not work that way.
Hi Stefan Struck, yep, we’ll be broadcasting the news on many fronts, but here’s the short of it. Come 1/30 the BackerKit will open for pre-orders of the print editions (both standard and special editions). On that day backers and people who purchased through Drive Thru will also get the final PDF.
I guess you can order extra copies of hardcovers as well?
I’m the only one of my group to back the kickstarter, and I think most of the others want their own copy.
Thank you for the information, sir.!
Quick follow up: Does this also mean the pdf for backers and early access will be updated on the 30th?
Will it be possible to get the hacker kit as well on Backerkit? I bought at the Infiltrator level, but I wouldn’t mind being able to get the source files for building custom sheets. Or will they be available for purchase after the release?
You can upgrade your pledge with Backerkit.