Due to a discussion with an old friend, I now am trying to figure out a crew based around a restaurant looking for the best ingredients possible no matter the costs.
Due to a discussion with an old friend, I now am trying to figure out a crew based around a restaurant looking for…
Due to a discussion with an old friend, I now am trying to figure out a crew based around a restaurant looking for…
Depending on how they do it, you could run it as nearly any of the crew types.
The more I think about it, Hawkers seems to be the best choice for all around “Being a restaurant.” with your vice being considered either Luxury or Pleasure.
An Assassins crew following the “Hannibal” style could be awesome, but not for every stomach (couldn’t avoid the pun
I like the idea of Hawkers George.
Maybe the Crew could run a Pub, a la ‘lock stock and…’
That way purloining the ingredients is a potential score, and running the restaurant is downtime actions?
youtube.com – Lock, Stock [TVSerie] – Opening Theme.avi
There’s a tv series based on Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels?! How did I not know this?!!!
The original discussion was dealing with some D&D based tropes, so it was adventurers who basically had a traveling food truck.
With Ghost Market you could advertise that your cooking is so good that even ancient been-around-since-before-the-Cataclysm demons enjoy it.
If you want that from the start then you’d want go Hawkers, but that could also be a sort of reward for becoming the best of the best, in which case you only need to have one of your veteran slots open.
Cult would be a fun one. On one hand it may seem silly but food is a very important part of living.
Smugglers fit with the idea of acquiring things.