I got a last minute group together for a session of Blades in the Dark last night.

I got a last minute group together for a session of Blades in the Dark last night.

I got a last minute group together for a session of Blades in the Dark last night. The score was a simple breaking and entering job for Lanic, the art forger. He wanted a painted that was rumored to be a Hull. The group took the 6 coins offered for the job (after shaking down Lanic a bitwhen he tried to hire them for four initially) and performed it without questions. Our Lurk successfully secured the painting while the others from the gang of smuggler used thier knowledge to temporarily open the cities Lighting Barrier. It went pretty much as bad as it could have. One of the towers they took down led to the Northhook Channel, and once the barrier was gone a mother Leviathan and her brood swam into the city channel. The city was tormented by ghosts and the Spirit Wardens and Sparkwrights were up to their ears with clean up. The crew did manage to secure 3 Ghosts for their normal trade of smuggling ghost to interested buyers in the city in addition to acquiring the asset. The city was almost destroyed and they gained the reputation of brutal, but they accomplished the mission so who cares the world had to burn to do it. There wont be anything bad in their future because of it right?

2 thoughts on “I got a last minute group together for a session of Blades in the Dark last night.”

  1. The players enjoyed it enough they want to make some more serious characters and play a campaign now so I guess we are streaming Blades instead of S&V as I originally thought.

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