Can a non-leech character with high tinker (a Whisper with the Strange Methods ability, for instance) bring gadgets with them as part of their load?
Can a non-leech character with high tinker (a Whisper with the Strange Methods ability, for instance) bring gadgets…
Can a non-leech character with high tinker (a Whisper with the Strange Methods ability, for instance) bring gadgets…
I’d let them acquire an asset to have a specific gadget or maybe one box. I’d make it a long-term project to add Gadgets to their equipment options like the Leech. Especially if they have the ability, there should be a way to do it, but I’d like to see on-screen how they make them and what some examples are.
As an extension of this: what if a Leech creates a gadget for another crew member to use? can they just count it as part of their load once it’s been proper crafted?
There have been one or two occasions where a PC wanted to borrow a piece of equipment from another character (our Whisper wanted to borrow a Spiritbane charm from our Cutter, and another PC wanted to borrow a couple of alchemicals from our Leech). In each case, it made sense to let them have it. After all, there is a spot on the sheet to write in custom gear, might as well use it. If they’re pushing for a flashback where they borrowed the item, charge Stress if it starts to seem far-fetched.
You can bring anything with you for your load as long as there is a way for the character to have it. The stuff on their equipment list is just the stuff they can bring along for free. Bringing along other stuff requires either flashbacks or LTPs, but you cant definitely have it.
i cannnn