I’ve begun using my current blades game as a testing ground for changes for my own game/hack.

I’ve begun using my current blades game as a testing ground for changes for my own game/hack.

I’ve begun using my current blades game as a testing ground for changes for my own game/hack.

I haven’t been finding the faction downtime, faction status and entanglements systems to be that satisfying. So my current tinkering has led me to this untested system.

– Factional heat

– Status integrated into the heat track, you can’t move down the heat track past those black bars without agreement from the faction.

– Faction downtime actions rolled into entanglements.

I haven’t specified how you choose the entanglement during downtime. Although if you’re at war with someone they always take an entanglement with you every downtime.

The driving idea behind this was to reestablish a chain of consequence between your actions and the trouble you face during downtime. Among other considerations.

I’ve thrown together this PDF for testing. 🙂


3 thoughts on “I’ve begun using my current blades game as a testing ground for changes for my own game/hack.”

  1. I don’t think you should write all this to replace the entanglements system. You could just.. select the entanglement when it’s obvious what it should be. Even if you randomly roll it, you should be involving who they’ve pissed off already with the result.

    That being said, this is still kinda cool, and could actually still be useful to those who find the heat/entanglements system suits them just fine as is (this could probably overlay the existing system somehow as well).

    Curious: Why are the tracks for factional heat shorter on the positive side than the negative side (6 ticks to reach +3 vs 9 ticks to reach -3 status); shouldn’t they be equal? If not, then if anything I would expect a positive connection to take longer to build than a negative one

  2. This is mostly for my own design, but I thought others might enjoy giving it a whirl.

    For the tracks, moving backwards on it would be done by reducing heat, but the black bars are there to represent the fictional block of status changes, but only in the reverse. So moving into the positive side takes effort, and probably stress to negotiate. But ruining your relations is easy.

    I didn’t want you to be able to stay in the positive for long if you’re taking actions which produce heat.

    It needs testing to see how that turns out though.

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