It’s only just occurred to me, but this system could work really well for a Discworld game.

It’s only just occurred to me, but this system could work really well for a Discworld game.

It’s only just occurred to me, but this system could work really well for a Discworld game. Probably wouldn’t take a huge amount of hacking to adapt it, and Ankh-Morpork is such a grimy city it would fit right in. I know the districts and some of the characters were pulled together for the board game, and the books do a great job of world and character building.

I don’t think I know the setting quite well enough to make one, but if anyone ever knocks a hack up, I’d be happy to test it out. 🙂

11 thoughts on “It’s only just occurred to me, but this system could work really well for a Discworld game.”

  1. The maps are pretty cool as well. However it would be a significant change as the criminal guilds in the city are part of the lobby group politics of the Patrician. The thieves guild has a quota and offers subscriptions and receipts…

  2. But I reckon you could find a niche to fill that doesn’t come under the jurisdiction of one of the existing groups. Or you could just be part of an existing guild and take it over. Backstabbing and scheming fits in both the Discworld and Blades.

  3. It could be interesting, but I really don’t see the kind of stories that are part of Discworld as a good fit for this system.

    I feel like it would need a big overhaul of the whole system. Stress and trauma and vice have little to do with Discworld. And yeah, there a lot of different Guilds, and they are very coordinated (at least in Ankh-Morpork) and they make sure that nobody breaks their rules. The kind of “war” this setup requires seems to be very different of the usual portrayed in BitD.

    Maybe you could set the storyline in a time before the Guilds were in power, or just create another city in another part of the Disc where you can recreate that kind of conflict… But at that point, it may seem like you have very little of the original Disworld charm left…

    Anyway, there might be a way to hack the rules to a more light-hearted kind of game. We’ve seen a few changes to the rules, and I’m sure we will see more once the final games its published…

    PS: It just ocurred to me, the Discworld boardgame was based on different factions trying to accomplish their objecftives, if I’m not mistaken. Never had a chance to play it. Maybe there are a few ideas there for this…

  4. It does. Mostly with the nobles and hidden objectives in the boardgame 😀 Stress can still work. Trauma could be personal breakdown in character ie Granny Weatherwax with max Trauma would be Black Alys. The supernatural can easily be forgotten gods, faeries or the Dungeon Dimensions

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