Does someone know when the final version of Blades will be out on DriveThru?

Does someone know when the final version of Blades will be out on DriveThru?

Does someone know when the final version of Blades will be out on DriveThru? I think I’ve heard John Harper say something about a pdf release date (maybe in one of the online sessions) but I can’t find it!

Don’t want to seem impatient, I’m just planning to start a campaign very soon and I was wondering if I should just wait for the complete book 🙂

8 thoughts on “Does someone know when the final version of Blades will be out on DriveThru?”

  1. We’ve been playing a campaign using the current PDF, and it’s been going splendidly.

    If you buy the PDF, you get all updates as they come out, so you don’t need to worry about missing out.

    What’s already there leaves some big gaps in the world building – but that’s part of the appeal. It’s a very collaborative game, so it’s kind of fun to have a player ask “Hey, one of my allies is a psychonaught. What’s that?” and let the group decide what it is. It helps makes the setting personal and evocative.

  2. Absolutely don’t wait. The game is solid as-is. Unless your table has something else they really enjoy playing in the interim, and they don’t mind the wait. Or some other equally reasonable … reason.

    But personally I wouldn’t (and didn’t) wait.

  3. John has said that the final content complete draft is due to be turned in at the end of the month and that copy editing will happen in December. He has also said that backers should get the full PDF sometime in December but whether that includes Drivethru as well, I don’t know. I’m sure that whatever deal John struck with Evil Hat won’t delay the book for the KS backers, at least in electronic form, but It might for those that bought through Drivethru.

  4. Tony Demetriou No need to convince me, I already have the Drivethru pdf and I’ve played it many times 🙂

    I was asking because most of my players are not-so-fluent in english so I’ll have to translate character&crew sheets and some other parts for them, and this would be the third time (due to the changes during the various iteration)

    Paul Byford that’s what I was trying to remember, thanks!

    That’s a great news, thanks John Harper

  5. John Harper Hey John. I’m a little bit confused about your response. I know in Update #41 on Kickstarter, you said:

    “You’ll get the PDF I send to Evil Hat for copy editing etc. (you don’t have to wait), and then also any future updates.”

    Has that changed?

  6. Maybe. The initial copy edit may be pretty quick — in which case it would be silly to give you a file with typos and then give you a fixed file shortly after. If the process looks like it will take a while, then I’ll go ahead and post the pre-edit file.

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