Working on my Blades Angel Hack. Trying to figure out Angelic/Infernal Powers. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Working on my Blades Angel Hack. Trying to figure out Angelic/Infernal Powers. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Working on my Blades Angel Hack. Trying to figure out Angelic/Infernal Powers. Any suggestions would be welcome.

7 thoughts on “Working on my Blades Angel Hack. Trying to figure out Angelic/Infernal Powers. Any suggestions would be welcome.”

  1. Not knowing what you already feel is appropriate in context. Anything within In Nomine setting/rules or anything super hero/villain setting/rules could be reasonable.

  2. Hmm, I guess I’d start with bibal stories – placing a sigil on someone’s door to mark them for death, locust plagues, healing, banishing demons, returning sinful deeds seven fold upon your enemies etc.

    It also seems like you’re going for a ‘shepards of humanity’ feel – so maybe some powers that interact with your mortal charges like emotional manipulation, detecting the presence of sins, magically compelled confession, taking on an awe inspiring angel form, etc?

    I guess it could be kinda tricky though since default blades is pretty low key with that kind of stuff other than Tempest, so one way or another, powers will definitely change the feel and power levels of the game.

  3. Stephen Davey Yes, the power level is kicked up several notches, but you still begin as a lower caste Angel.

    (The game is also set on our Earth, during the possible End Times, the Time of Revelations.)

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