Sorry for a dumb question, but are character/crew booklets downloadable from anywhere as a separate file that I…

Sorry for a dumb question, but are character/crew booklets downloadable from anywhere as a separate file that I…

Sorry for a dumb question, but are character/crew booklets downloadable from anywhere as a separate file that I could distribute among my players? Seems like I can’t find any.

8 thoughts on “Sorry for a dumb question, but are character/crew booklets downloadable from anywhere as a separate file that I…”

  1. Will Scott Sorry for not mentioning, I did just that from the start and it worked fine (well, it came out all blurry at first, before I realised I had pdf printer settings wrong), but I though it would be nice to have official files, lighter and text-searchable.

  2. Ben Morgan Thank you! Yep, I knew your sheets. Honestly, I think they lacl a little in legibility compared to the originals, but they look gorgeous! Which software did you use to create them?

  3. I put them together in Xara Designer Pro, exported to PDF, and put in the form fields with Acrobat Pro. The Vecna font is a little fancier, but it may be less easy to read. If the background is distracting, I included a button to toggle it on and off.

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