Is there any official rule against giving another PC your personal coin? If so, I haven’t seen it.

Is there any official rule against giving another PC your personal coin? If so, I haven’t seen it.

Is there any official rule against giving another PC your personal coin? If so, I haven’t seen it.

7 thoughts on “Is there any official rule against giving another PC your personal coin? If so, I haven’t seen it.”

  1. No official rule that says you cannot do this, but it’s like giving one of your provincial territories to a fellow noble in Houses of the Blooded. Make sure you’re getting something in return. Get it in writing. And watch your back afterwards.

  2. I think (to a certain extent) the crew is expected to share coins. Without a patron or some other cost reducing ability, you can’t even reach a tier 4 gang just on the gang’s coffers alone, even with both vault upgrades.

    Now, how much you help out growing the crew and how much you keep for yourself is an excellent dilemma, that can make for some good RP. Just don’t let your IC selfishness ruin everyone’s fun OOC. Where exactly the line on that is varies by group, if in doubt, talk to your fellow players.

  3. If it matters, in any instance of players working together and sharing the awesome, I am truly blessed. I have fantastic players and am realizing I need to stop freaking out about running Blades well because they’re going to make my life easier. 🙂

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