

Hello. I have recently been watching the Blades in Dark that Jhon takes part in on ITMEJP’s channel. Its an amazing show, and i highly recomend watching it.

During the show they use roll20, and they have some very nice art for the roll macro’s. I was wondering whether this is a community resource, or if its something that Jhon made personally. Cause they look oustanding and i would love to use them for my Blades campaign

Can anyone advise on this?

Thanks ya’ll

5 thoughts on “Hello.”

  1. It’s Tim Denee’s sheets which can be fond here: https://plus.google.com/109817499382146310869/posts/eZpvX3MB8MA you’ll have to have pro or better on Roll20 to upload and use them yourself currently as they are not the default blades sheet at the moment. Roll20 DOES have a functioning Blades sheet complete with rolls etc but it’s a different macro theme (which I think doesn’t fit as well as Tim’s). As far as I know Tim is still working with the creators of the curretn default roll20 sheet team to integrate his designs into it but they have not yet. Hopefully soon.

    plus.google.com – An updated version of my roll20 character sheet is now available. You can…

  2. https://wiki.roll20.net/Character_Sheets#Advanced_Character_Sheet_Usage

    “To change or add Character Sheet, the Creator of the game should visit the Game Settings page. This page is accessed from the Settings dropdown on the Game Details page. Links to the Game Details pages of games that you belong to can be found on the My Games page.

    In the Character Sheet Template section, select a template from the dropdown. Pro subscribers can also choose Custom to enter their own HTML and CSS. Finally, you need to click the (Save Changes) button found at the bottom of the screen.”

    wiki.roll20.net – Character Sheets – Roll20 Wiki

  3. in case this wasn’t still clear – when you go to that place chris has mentioned, assuming you have r20pro, you can click custom, then you’ll need to copy/paste all the text from the HTML and CSS files (by opening them in a program like notepad and select-all, copy, etc) (use the hybrid ones unless you don’t want a crew sheet for some reason). Took me about 30 seconds πŸ™‚

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