So I’m wanting to write a fanfic about a whisper tinker who likes to make tiny hulls and gets wrapped in a Shadows…

So I’m wanting to write a fanfic about a whisper tinker who likes to make tiny hulls and gets wrapped in a Shadows…

So I’m wanting to write a fanfic about a whisper tinker who likes to make tiny hulls and gets wrapped in a Shadows crew as a spy/Q-type of figure. But I’m not sure what is a good situation for the spontaneous creation of a crew for spying.

What are some situations you might have encountered in your sessions, or created, or read/saw/heard about somewhere else?

While I’m also thinking about it, what are some ideas for how ghosts can rise and escape the Spirit Wardens? As I understand it, the Deathseeker Crows simply say “Someone died here”, not “Here be ghosts”. And there has to be a subtle yet easy to find approach for ghosts to evade capture. After all, the Reconciled are supposed to be an entire faction of peaceful ghosts. Do they just fade into the ghost fields, like Hollows leaving the real world in Bleach? Again, what are some ideas you, your friends, and playgroups have come up with?

3 thoughts on “So I’m wanting to write a fanfic about a whisper tinker who likes to make tiny hulls and gets wrapped in a Shadows…”

  1. An easy way for a crew to form for spying is a wealthy noble hiring on experts to do a job, either on a rival family or kin, for advantage. Nobles think they can buy their way into or out of anything, and they are above the law unless caught by people at least as influential as themselves.

    Thieves can jack people and attune their souls into bottles to sell on the black market. Some areas are sufficiently dangerous the Spirit Wardens have to take time and precautions to enter, and sometimes they hire a contractor to look into it for them–the quality of contractors is uneven.

    Just some thoughts. =)

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