I noticed that Breakers have Thugs and a Cult has Adepts listed.

I noticed that Breakers have Thugs and a Cult has Adepts listed.

I noticed that Breakers have Thugs and a Cult has Adepts listed. Are these special instances supporting the crew themes and are exclusive, or will each crew type have a cohort type?

Also, will the book have examples/suggestions as to things the Ghost Echoes crew advance for Shadows interacts with?

7 thoughts on “I noticed that Breakers have Thugs and a Cult has Adepts listed.”

  1. Thugs and Adepts are forms of Cohort/Gang Types. They are described on the Crew creation page (p.48) in the middle column.

    It just describes the type of group/gang you can start with as those crew types. Any crew can start with a cohort if they spend both (2) upgrades to do so.

    Though now that I think about it, if the cohort costs 2 upgrades – how do these cohorts exist while still giving 1 additional upgrade for the starting crew? Funny I never noticed that before…

  2. re: Ghost Echoes. Ghost objects sounds like things that ghosts possess, ghost structures seems like a place ghosts inhabit (they could see a haunt, for example), and ghost passages sound like ghost doors (that connect two distant locations and can be traversed in an instant with proper attunement, or even a door from our world to the afterlife)

  3. I believe it means they get to start with a cohort of that type. Because if you look, Breakers and Cults only start out with one upgrade. Every other crew starts out with two, but no cohorts. That’s my guess at least.

  4. Good point, Alex. I didn’t notice that. As far as ghostly widgets go, I was merely curious if examples will be in the book. If so, great. If not, the group can create them. All’s good.

  5. Mark Cleveland Massengale The current version of the Blades in the Dark rules, pages 49-54, which detail the crews, their starting upgrades, and what upgrades they can get in the future.

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