A fun, if slightly silly, session this week.

A fun, if slightly silly, session this week.

A fun, if slightly silly, session this week. Culminated in a street chase through the Nightmarket and under the rail tracks. I ran that using a handful of clocks, various set piece elements counting down or up, to try an simulate the obstacles. For example, mid-way through every failure brought the careening cabs closer to the pedestrian bridge that was being raised. When the clock filled the bridge was up and a couple of chasers went into the drink. I don’t even know where to start on the Heat for that one.

Anyhow, it pushed me to get to the cab-pulling goat mentioned in the book. I’ve grown to like these guys for the occasional tension breaking moment of levity before going right back into the ghost-filled cellar.

11 thoughts on “A fun, if slightly silly, session this week.”

  1. Awesome once again.

    I’d missed the goat reference in the book, and I like the scale represented here. I would guess their braying is as good as any horn, bell or whistle.

  2. Neal Dalton Goodness no. Several of the critters are in the Quickstart, some are me filling in the cracks for our game. Duskvol was just too charming to me to NOT draw some beasties.

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